Thursday, March 21, 2013

Forehead Lift -- PART 2


It is a relatively simple operation for the surgeon and for the patient as well. Forehead lift procedures may be completed under local anesthesia, with or without mild sedation, or under general anesthesia. The procedure may be performed in an out-patient facility, in the office, or hospital. Although the procedure is typically painless, you may have occasional mild discomfort during the procedure. If your surgeon elects for you to have general anesthesia, you will sleep through the procedure. The entire procedure may take from one to two hours, depending on the operation technique that will be used.

In conventional open approach, a coronal incision that is made slightly behind the natural hairline can be used. An alternative is the pre-trichial incision. This is similar to the coronal incision except that the mid-portion of the incision is made directly at the hairline. Your surgeon will then separate the skin and muscle from the underlying structures, depending upon the type of lift and desired results. Underlying structures are then suspended by permanent sutures or barbs. Your surgeon will then excise about 1 to 3 cm of excess skin; lift your skin to the desired level of lift; and lastly apply sutures or staples.

Another approach is endoscopic surgery. This commonly preferred technique is less invasive but it may require more surgery time. Several small incisions are placed just behind the hairline. An endoscope is placed under the skin in order to get a clear view of the muscles and tissues under the skin. Then the surgeon inserts another instrument through another incision to lift the forehead skin and remove or alter the muscles and underlying tissues. The forehead skin is hold up in a higher position with temporary sutures. The skin will heal in this position.

Postop instructions

A hospital stay may or may not be needed following forehead lift surgery. The best environment for recovery will be determined by the preferences of both the patient and his doctor. Recovery varies from patient to patient and it is advisable to take it easy for the first week after surgery.

Your surgeon will apply a dressing to your face and head to protect your wounds, keep the tissue in the proper place during recovery and to help with swelling. The day after the surgery, the dressing will be replaced with elastic wrap to be kept in place at all times for a few days; then you will be asked to wear it at bedtime only for about a week. Initially after the procedure, patients can expect tenderness and swelling around the incision areas. The tenderness and swelling fade with time and usually subside after the first 10 days. 

After the operation you will be instructed to keep your head elevated and use cold compresses for several days. In case of excessive pain, redness, pus or other symptoms that do not appear normal, you will be advised to contact your surgeon immediately. Staples and sutures are usually removed after 2-7 days. Patients generally feel well enough to resume normal activities around the tenth day of recovery. Strenuous activities should be avoided for about three weeks.

Reference information:,
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult ENT Specialists before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Forehead Lift -- PART 1


Forehead lift is the name of the surgical procedure that is performed to raise and rejuvenate the eyebrows.
Brief anatomy

The skin around the brow, forehead and temple areas loses its elasticity with age. Drooping of the eyebrows, horizontal wrinkles and vertical frown lines between the eyebrows are the earliest signs of aging. These give a tired, angry, or sad expression. A forehead lift can address these problems by surgically altering the muscles and tissues that cause wrinkling in the area above the eyes.

General information on the procedure

A forehead lift is often performed to treat conditions associated with aging. It may be done in conjunction with other facial plastic surgery procedures to achieve a more harmonious appearance. A forehead lift may be performed in several ways. The main difference among various methods for forehead lifting is the place of the incisions. Principally, a conventional open approach, or an endoscopic approach can be used.

Preop preparation

Your first step should be to contact a surgeon to schedule an initial consultation. During the consultation, your surgeon will work with you to establish realistic expectations about the results of your forehead lift procedure. 

The surgery will be explained in great detail so as not to leave any question or concern you have unaddressed. Depending on your needs and your surgeon's observations, additional facial procedures may be recommended. Your surgeon will also arrange to view your comprehensive medical history to decide if you are in satisfactory condition for forehead lift surgery. 

The surgeon must be made aware of conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and bleeding disorders, as these can increase the risks associated with your operation. Previous surgeries are also crucial to know about, as they can affect the risk of complications. Your surgeon may also ask for medical clearance from your general physician and, depending on your health, request laboratory testing. In the weeks leading up to your forehead lift, it is important to cut down, if not eliminate, smoking and drinking alcohol.

 Aspirin, any medications containing aspirin, ibuprofen or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, gingko biloba, ginseng and vitamin E supplements should be avoided in the weeks leading up to the surgery. Lastly, daily medicines must be continued as long as they have been approved by your surgeon.

You may not eat or drink after midnight the evening before the procedure unless instructed otherwise. Before the procedure, make sure to shower and shampoo your hair. Cosmetics should not be worn. False eyelashes, contact lenses, jewelry, and any other unnecessary accessories should be left at home.

Reference information:,, 
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult ENT Specialists before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Botox (Wrinkle Reduction Treatment)--PART 2

Botulinum toxin safety 

Botulinum toxin is a safe drug and when injected by an experienced facial plastic surgeon the incidence of side effects is extremely low. The most common side effects are temporary and localised bruising, slight redness of the skin and occasionally slight swelling at the injection site. The side effects of Botox are completely reversible and are temporary, lasting only a few hours and occasionally up to one or two days. Rarely unintended paralysis of muscles may result in troublesome cosmetic imperfections such as drooping of the eye brows. The incidence of such side effects is injector dependent and settles with time.

How long does it last? 

The effects of Botox usually last for three to four months after the first treatment. The effects fade gradually, at which point wrinkling begins to reappear and you may return for re-treatment. Generally, with repeated injections, the effects last longer and the frequency of injections gets lesser. The duration of effect varies from patient to patient and may be less effective in older people.

Reference information:,
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult ENT Specialists before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Botox (Wrinkle Reduction Treatment)--PART 1

The gradual development of facial wrinkles is inevitable and generally represents the early sign of ageing. The most common areas of wrinkling include the forehead, the brows and the outer corner of the eyes (crow's feet). This is mainly related to muscle activity which can be effectively dampened by the use of botulinum toxin, which is a naturally occurring bacterial toxin. This type of treatment to paralyse muscles selectively and reduce wrinkles is commonly known as 'Botox' treatment. Botox is a trade name, and other similar preparations may also be used for this purpose. Botulinum toxin was initially used in the 1970s for treating patients with hyperactive muscles around the eyes. Currently, it is widely used for cosmetic reasons, such as wrinkle reduction and a wide variety of other medical conditions related to dysfunction of muscles.

Consultation and treatment 

During consultation a detailed medical history is obtained by your surgeon and assessment of the facial wrinkles is carried out to determine the exact areas of muscles that require the injection. An appropriate dose of botulinum toxin is then injected into the muscles using a tiny micro needle. Following the treatment with Botox, the skin over the muscles remains smooth and even. Injected muscles are paralysed in about 2-3 days while untreated areas continue to work as normal. As the needle used is very fine and small quantities are injected, the pain is minimal and therefore no anaesthetic is required. You may experience some discomfort over the treated area immediately after treatment. You may resume normal activities immediately however any strenuous activity and massaging the area should be avoided. You must follow the post injection instructions carefully to avoid any untoward effects. Some patients may experience mild headaches in the first week or so following the injection which resolve spontaneously, and the use of mild painkillers such as paracetamol is recommended to relieve the headaches.

Reference information:,
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult ENT Specialists before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Hearing loss treatment

The treatments vary depending on the type, site/s and severity of hearing loss. This is best assessed and diagnosed by an Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist. 

The appropriate treatment may be conservative observation, hearing aiding and /or ear surgery. For children with persisting “glue ear” especially when in both ears with notable signs of language and /or attention problems, a ventilation tube (grommet) can be placed into the eardrum by surgery. For patients with a perforated eardrum, this can be repaired by surgery.

For patients with bilateral complete deafness, a cochlear implant sound processor should be considered. This re-stimulates the deaf ear using an electrode array and some very clever speech software processing. The new sound that is heard will indeed be different. Speech and hearing rehabilitation exercises to re-learn these sounds would be required. Children do better than adults with these cochlear implants. Studies have shown that a child’s brain has a higher neuro-plasticity than an adult, and therefore a greater capacity to adapt to new sounds and learning development.

Reference information:
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult ENT Specialists before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.