Rhinoplasties with injectable fillers are very popular in Asia and
are used extensively. The advantages of injection rhinoplasty include:
Short learning curve for clinicians
Minimal tooling necessary
Inexpensive injectables
Local anesthetic procedure
Quick operative time
Immediate result
Per-operative client defined endpoint
Minimal postoperative downtime for patient
The idea of a simple local procedure with immediate results is very attractive to the Asian clients. Furthermore the down time is minimal; this minimizes the social exposure and questioning that some Asian clients may not welcome as plastic surgery on the nose remains a taboo in some Asian communities. The traditional injectables e.g. silicone gel and Teflon paste are generally falling out of favor due to their associated and recognized complications. The newer synthetic NASHA and PAAG injectables are increasingly being used. The skill-training time required for a clinician is very short and hence, many general practice clinicians have embraced this practice. Coupled with the marketing forces, this area of rhinoplasty has increased significantly.
The injection rhinoplasty technique depends primarily on:

information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should
consult ENT Specialists before considering treatment and should not rely on the information
Short learning curve for clinicians
Minimal tooling necessary
Inexpensive injectables
Local anesthetic procedure
Quick operative time
Immediate result
Per-operative client defined endpoint
Minimal postoperative downtime for patient
The idea of a simple local procedure with immediate results is very attractive to the Asian clients. Furthermore the down time is minimal; this minimizes the social exposure and questioning that some Asian clients may not welcome as plastic surgery on the nose remains a taboo in some Asian communities. The traditional injectables e.g. silicone gel and Teflon paste are generally falling out of favor due to their associated and recognized complications. The newer synthetic NASHA and PAAG injectables are increasingly being used. The skill-training time required for a clinician is very short and hence, many general practice clinicians have embraced this practice. Coupled with the marketing forces, this area of rhinoplasty has increased significantly.
The injection rhinoplasty technique depends primarily on:
- the desired aesthetic result and
- the injectable filler used.
- a primary injection rhinoplasty procedure to augment the nose or
- as a secondary procedure to enhance a surgical rhinoplasty result (See Figures 3a-c)
Reference: www.rhinoplastyarchive.com/