A weak spot in the wide muscle of the neck is sutured together to remove the "double chin" appearance. The incisions are well hidden and are placed on the inside of the ear canal (retrotragal line), then behind the ear into the hair. These incision lines are specifically designed so that the hair can be worn in any style. For male face lifts, the line of incision may be altered to preserve the location of the side burns. In order to create a youthful appearance, a number of structures deep to the skin are repositioned.
These include the fat pad of the cheek and the muscles of the neck and face. Without tension, the facial skin is then very carefully draped over the repositioned soft tissues, the hairline is aligned and the excess skin is removed. Meticulous layered closure with fine suture material minimizes scar formation of the well hidden incisions.
Reference information: www.eafps.org, www.entific.com.hk
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your ENT specialist for diagnosis and treatment.