of hearing loss
Hearing loss, is the
loss of sound sensation and discrimination ability. It can be sudden or
gradual. This loss can also be divided into two categories as either congenital
(inborn from birth) or acquired hearing loss.
Congenital hearing loss is an hearing deficit since birth.
Acquired hearing loss happens later after birth. Some of the commoner causes
are aging, trauma, long term exposure to loud noise, surgery of the ear/brain,
infections in the middle or inner ear, and ototoxic drugs.
loss in children
Hearing loss in
children is more commonly seen than in adults. This is because acute
suppurative otitis media, which is an infection of the middle ear cavity, is
the commonest infection of childhood. It occurs after an upper respiratory
infection. The majority of these infections subside completely but it is not
uncommon that some persists as a collection of a straw-colored fluid in the
middle ear. This fluid has the consistency of “glue”, and when present,
prevents the eardrum from moving normally. Hence children with acquired
“glue-ear” will have a reduction in their hearing similar to water getting into
their ear/s after a shower. This condition can exist in one or both ears.
In children, hearing losses should be investigated and treated as early as possible.
This is especially true for children aged up to 7 years old as our speech and
language development occurs in the first seven years of life. It is accepted
that speech and language rehabilitation becomes more difficult and less
successful, the later the hearing loss is diagnosed, and after optimal
information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should
consult ENT Specialists before considering treatment and should not rely on the information