能 引 致 上 呼 吸 道 感 染 ( 俗 稱 傷 風 感 冒
) 的 病 毒 超 過 二 百多 種 ( 如 鼻 病 毒 、
腺 病 毒 等 ) , 成 人 每 年 約 患 四 次 感 冒
, 兒 童 則 可 以 有 十 至 十 二 次 之 多 。 |
病 徵 : | |
病 人 在 感 染 病 毒 的 兩 三 天 後 可 能 會 出 現 以 下 徵 狀 : 發 燒 : 多 數 發 生 在 發 病 的 第 2 - 7 天 , 病 情 可 能 會 有 起 伏 ; 咳 嗽 、 流 鼻 涕 、 鼻 塞 、 喉 嚨 痛 、 有 痰 ; 鼻 涕 和 痰 會 漸 漸 變 濃 或 呈 黃 綠 色 , 這 代 表 鼻 涕 和 痰 內 有 白 血 球 , 可 能 ( 但 不 一 定 ) 代 表 已 受 到 細 菌 感 染 。 感 冒 大 多 在 3 天 至 2 週 內 便 會 逐 漸 痊 癒 。 一 般 感 冒 不 需 使 用 抗 生 素 ( 錯 誤 地 被 俗 稱 為 消 炎 藥 ) , 因 為 抗 生 素 是 用 來 殺 死 細 菌 的 。 但 由 於 感 冒 會 降 低 抵 抗 力 , 令 細 菌 有 機 可 乘 而 引 起 併 發 症 , 所 以 醫 生 會 按 病 情 來 決 定 是 否 要 用 抗 生 素 。 |
護 理 : | |
藥 物 治 療 : | |
藥 物 可 以 舒 緩 不 適 , 可 以 使 用 的 藥 物 包 括 : 收 鼻 水 藥 止 咳 藥 止 痛 藥 ( 如 撲 熱 息 痛 ) 等 。 |
感 冒 期 間 要 注 意 有 無 以 下 併 發 症 ︰ | |
參考資料: www.entific.com.hk 以上所提供的資訊僅作為教育及參考用途,如果你有任何醫療問題, 應向自己的耳鼻喉專科醫生查詢,而不應單倚賴以上提供的資料。 |
Educational blog provides update on ent diseases on Ear, neck, nose, throat, cosmetic surgeries, allergy, nasal, ent, sinus, face lift, sore throat, facelift, tinnitus, allergies, hearing loss, sinusitis, hearing loss, nose job, rhinoplasty 提供有關耳, 鼻, 喉, 頭, 頸部問題上的教育。常見問題包括聽力困難, 耳朵痛,耳鳴, 耳垢, 頭暈, 耳整形, 鼻竇, 流鼻血, 過敏, 鼻塞, 隆鼻, 喉嚨痛, 聲音, 咽喉癌, 扁桃線發炎, 鼻下垂, 下巴整形…
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
傷風感冒 - 上呼吸道感染
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Caudal Septal Deflections
Caudal septal deflections (as seen with the patient in Figure 13)
can be specific challenges to septal surgery because they can often
cause persistent nasal obstruction and may require complex septal
reconstructions. 50,51 Simply resecting the caudal septal cartilage
would clearly violate the inverted L-strut that is providing tip and
colu- mellar support. 47 The simplest technique (and often the first
attempt to correct this problem) involves vertically scoring or
incising the caudal septal cartilage on the con- cave side in an attempt
to remove the "spring" memory from that portion of the septum. 1,50
Another method to correct a deviated caudal septum is the "swinging door" technique, originally described by Metzenbaum. 52 In this technique, the septum is treated as in a standard septoplasty and then raised out of its maxil- lary crest groove with an elevator, like a Cottle. The wedge of cartilage along the maxillary crest is then excised. At this point, the caudal edge of the cartilage is freed from the anterior nasal spine and caudal attachments and is now only attached superiorly. This single attachment then allows the cartilage to swing into a more midline or straight position, where it can be secured with a suture to the nasal spine. 47,52 Pastorek and Becker 50 later modified this method and termed it the "doorstop technique."
In this modification, the cartilage that is dissected out of the maxillary crest is not resected but is instead flipped to the side of the nasal spine, opposite the obstruction, and secured with a suture. In this method, the nasal spine acts as a "doorstop" to prevent the caudal septum from return- ing to the other side.
An additional way to straighten the caudal septum is through the placement of an ethmoid bone splinting graft. As described by Metzinger et al, 51 a straight piece of the perpendicular plate may be harvested and small holes are then drilled in the bone with a hand drill.
A Keith needle then secures the bony splint to the caudal septal cartilage, which may be straightened first by scoring. It should be noted, however, that the ethmoid bone, when secured in place at this location, can cause the caudal septum to thicken. The surgeon should be sure that the additional piece of bone does not itself cause nasal obstruction when it is secured. 1
At times, excision and replacement of the caudal sep- tum may be necessary. An external rhinoplasty approach facilitates this technique.

Figure 13. (A, C) This 45-year-old man presented with a caudal septal deflection, which can be a specific challenge in septal surgery. (B, C) One year after rhinoplasty with the doorstop technique described by Pastorek and Becker. 50
information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should
consult ENT Specialists before considering treatment and should not rely on the information
Another method to correct a deviated caudal septum is the "swinging door" technique, originally described by Metzenbaum. 52 In this technique, the septum is treated as in a standard septoplasty and then raised out of its maxil- lary crest groove with an elevator, like a Cottle. The wedge of cartilage along the maxillary crest is then excised. At this point, the caudal edge of the cartilage is freed from the anterior nasal spine and caudal attachments and is now only attached superiorly. This single attachment then allows the cartilage to swing into a more midline or straight position, where it can be secured with a suture to the nasal spine. 47,52 Pastorek and Becker 50 later modified this method and termed it the "doorstop technique."
In this modification, the cartilage that is dissected out of the maxillary crest is not resected but is instead flipped to the side of the nasal spine, opposite the obstruction, and secured with a suture. In this method, the nasal spine acts as a "doorstop" to prevent the caudal septum from return- ing to the other side.
An additional way to straighten the caudal septum is through the placement of an ethmoid bone splinting graft. As described by Metzinger et al, 51 a straight piece of the perpendicular plate may be harvested and small holes are then drilled in the bone with a hand drill.
A Keith needle then secures the bony splint to the caudal septal cartilage, which may be straightened first by scoring. It should be noted, however, that the ethmoid bone, when secured in place at this location, can cause the caudal septum to thicken. The surgeon should be sure that the additional piece of bone does not itself cause nasal obstruction when it is secured. 1
At times, excision and replacement of the caudal sep- tum may be necessary. An external rhinoplasty approach facilitates this technique.
Figure 13. (A, C) This 45-year-old man presented with a caudal septal deflection, which can be a specific challenge in septal surgery. (B, C) One year after rhinoplasty with the doorstop technique described by Pastorek and Becker. 50
Reference: www.rhinoplastyarchive.com/
Thursday, August 21, 2014
The Asian nose
The archetypal Asian nose discussed in this chapter is typified by
the Asian Malay nose or the East Asian (Chinese, Japanese and Korean)
type of nose. There is indeed a spectrum of these noses, with
northerners e.g. from north China and Korea having higher dorsums
compared to their Asian southerners with lower dorsums. The Asian nose
primarily discussed here is typified by petiteness and flatness. The
overall mid-facial bony components and nasal septum can be thought of
as being "underdeveloped". Hence the radix tends to low with a low
rhinion and low mid-third dorsal profile height. The shorter nasal
septum with a less projected anterior septal angle results in a nasal
tip that lacks projection. A less projected tip, in turn, is more
rounded with less tip definition. There usually is also relatively
thicker skin overlying the nasal tip and lobules. The ala basal width
is also wider.
From the basal view, the nostrils of the Asian nostril appear more rounded compared to the tear-drop appearance of the Western nose. This is due to the lack of projection. The columella may appear short and retracted, lacking support from the caudal septum. Internally, the cartilaginous septum of the Asian nose is generally less generous which explains the deprojected tip; this smaller size will impact upon the availability of septal donor material too. The medial and lateral crura of the lower lateral cartilages are smaller, weaker and softer than Caucasian noses, and tend to have a more oblique to vertical lie. The upper lateral cartilages are similarly small in size too.
Overall the description of the Asian nose is one of petiteness and flatness. Asian clients seeking rhinoplasty therefore not surprisingly request for higher radixes and dorsums with more tip projection and narrower alar bases. The contemporary trend is to request for augmentation and tip projection whilst retaining their Asian ethnicity.
In a small sample study by the authors at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, nasal pictures of Chinese male and female individuals were evaluated to determine their aesthetic outcomes. These subjects with a group of independent local Chinese male and female judge observers, were requested to freely simulate with computer software, the nose they would wish to have. There was notable agreement and concordance on the final nasal profile simulated i.e. everyone had the same aesthetic endpoint. What this sample work demonstrated was, whilst all these Asian clients and peer judges preferred higher radixes and dorsums with greater tip projection, the measured parameters differed significantly from accepted Western aesthetic references (see Figure 1 - Graph of Asian aesthetics). This suggested that even though Asian individuals wanted a pointier and higher nose, they wanted to retain their "Asian" sense of aesthetics.

With this in mind, the following subchapters discuss in more detail the commoner techniques for Asian rhinoplasty surgery. The discussion below is not intended to be comprehensive due to surgeons' preferences, the wide availability of products and techniques. Readers should instead focus on the underlying principles to permit a more flexible practice of Asian rhinoplasty, as this field and product technology develops.
information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should
consult ENT Specialists before considering treatment and should not rely on the information
From the basal view, the nostrils of the Asian nostril appear more rounded compared to the tear-drop appearance of the Western nose. This is due to the lack of projection. The columella may appear short and retracted, lacking support from the caudal septum. Internally, the cartilaginous septum of the Asian nose is generally less generous which explains the deprojected tip; this smaller size will impact upon the availability of septal donor material too. The medial and lateral crura of the lower lateral cartilages are smaller, weaker and softer than Caucasian noses, and tend to have a more oblique to vertical lie. The upper lateral cartilages are similarly small in size too.
Overall the description of the Asian nose is one of petiteness and flatness. Asian clients seeking rhinoplasty therefore not surprisingly request for higher radixes and dorsums with more tip projection and narrower alar bases. The contemporary trend is to request for augmentation and tip projection whilst retaining their Asian ethnicity.
In a small sample study by the authors at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, nasal pictures of Chinese male and female individuals were evaluated to determine their aesthetic outcomes. These subjects with a group of independent local Chinese male and female judge observers, were requested to freely simulate with computer software, the nose they would wish to have. There was notable agreement and concordance on the final nasal profile simulated i.e. everyone had the same aesthetic endpoint. What this sample work demonstrated was, whilst all these Asian clients and peer judges preferred higher radixes and dorsums with greater tip projection, the measured parameters differed significantly from accepted Western aesthetic references (see Figure 1 - Graph of Asian aesthetics). This suggested that even though Asian individuals wanted a pointier and higher nose, they wanted to retain their "Asian" sense of aesthetics.
With this in mind, the following subchapters discuss in more detail the commoner techniques for Asian rhinoplasty surgery. The discussion below is not intended to be comprehensive due to surgeons' preferences, the wide availability of products and techniques. Readers should instead focus on the underlying principles to permit a more flexible practice of Asian rhinoplasty, as this field and product technology develops.
Reference: www.rhinoplastyarchive.com/
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
1. 醫學換膚﹕研究證實,高濃度醫學換膚(>20%, pH<3.5)有效令真皮層的厚度及膠原纖增加。
2. 光學療法﹕利用高能量光束(激光或彩光)在真皮層造成熱能傷害,促使纖維母細胞增加製造優質骨膠原來自我修復。現在常用的嫩膚激光完成後沒有傷口,可即時化妝,對日常作息影響減到最少。
3. 射頻緊膚﹕將高頻電波導入到真皮層,加熱刺激深層的骨膠原收緊及再生。
4. 小分子透明質酸注射﹕透過小針注射小分子透明質酸到皮膚中,深層補水之餘,也可刺激纖維母細胞增加製造骨膠原。
左旋乳酸聚合(poly-L-lactic acid)注射﹕透過小針將左旋乳酸聚合注射到真皮層中,對增加真皮層的膠原蛋白含量十分有效,其效用可長達2年,已被FDA核准作為治療皺紋的方法。
參考資料: www.metrohk.com.hk/
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
兜風耳 - 兜風耳面相, 兜風耳手術, 耳朵整形 (下)

除了兜風耳外,小耳症(Microtia)也同是屬於先天性的耳部問題。小耳症即耳殼短小,而小耳症的病人有些亦會有先天性耳道閉鎖 (Congenital Aural Atresia),導致耳道閉塞。因爲沒有外耳道,聲音傳不進內耳,從而導致傳導性聽障,影響聽力。因此建議有小耳症問題的兒童及早進行聽力檢查,以免阻 礙他們的語言學習發展及心理上的影響。
其實「兜風耳」這種耳朵外形是十分普遍,但很容易被父母忽視。這問題雖然對健康沒有影響,但容易對患者造成心理上的傷害,因此絕對不容忽視。事實上若剛出 生的嬰兒已察覺到有「兜風耳」的問題,父母可在嬰兒耳朵的軟骨尚未定型時,透過一些簡單的治療方法,減低小孩長大後接受耳朵矯形手術的機會。例如以膠布拉 緊雙耳貼近頭顱並固定雙耳位置,以減少耳朵軟骨向前彎曲的弧度。
事實上,要改善耳朵外形不能靠藥物,必須以手術治療,但並非所有人士都適合此類矯形手術。手術方面,可在兒童五到六歲起進行矯形手術。因為這時候耳殼發育 得比較好,而且接受麻醉藥的風險比較小,使手術可在全身麻醉下進行,避免兒童因恐懼而阻礙手術的進度。至於青少年或成人,因有較佳的控制能力,故可以採取 局部麻醉進行手術。
治療「兜風耳」的手術,大部分採用耳背近耳窩的位置,作一個切口。接著把皮膚翻起至看見耳軟骨後,再把耳朵拉後至頭顱適當位置加以縫合,此疤痕藏於耳背後 面,所以不容易被人察覺。至於耳軟骨的處理,則有很多不同的方法。例如,在耳軟骨作兩條平衡切口,令耳骨屈曲並以縫線方法把耳朵翻後縫合。或者,利用外科 鑽石磨錐技 (Diamond Burr) 把耳骨磨薄,令「兜風耳」變得貼服再縫合。
至於縫綫方面,可分為永久性 (Permanent) 和非永久性 (Absorbable)。前者,顧名思義是較少產生手術後復發情況。因爲令耳朵固定地貼服頭顱的手術線是永久性,所以效果比較持久。然而,缺點是患者可 能會觸摸到皮膚下縫合的手術線。相反,非永久性的手術乃採用自行溶解的手術線,避免了觸摸到縫合手術線的問題。但因為手術線溶解後只能倚靠皮下疤痕維持拉 緊耳朵的形態,對於一些耳軟骨反彈性較強的患者,較大機會回復原來的兜風形狀。因此醫生會根據患者的需要和身體狀況來建議最合適的治療方案。
參考資料: www.entific.com.hk
先天性耳道閉鎖 (Congenital Aural Atresia),
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
兜風耳 - 兜風耳面相, 兜風耳手術, 耳朵整形 (上)
兜風耳又名蝙蝠耳(Bat Ears),屬於先天性問題。有可能是耳朵的軟骨在胎兒成形時沒有向後發展,相反地向外伸出而形成兜狀。
其實不論是外國人或中國人,兜風耳都十分普遍。然而,外國的父母大多數會在小孩六、七歲時做耳朵矯形手術,避免子女在正式上學時被同學取笑或被拉扯,造成 心理或耳朵的傷害。相反,中國的父母卻認為有兜風耳的兒童十分可愛,所以大都忽視此問題,但當小孩長大後又會因為形象及自信問題而想盡辦法進行耳朵矯形。
撇除外觀的儀容問題,從相學方面說,古語有云:「兩耳兜風,敗壞祖宗」。原來,兜風耳的人比較反叛,不喜歡留在家中,年紀輕輕便喜愛離家闖蕩,因此在古時 被認為是不孝順的面相。耳朵在傳統的相學中亦反映兒童的時期,而且有一邊耳代表父親,另一邊則代表母親。一般來說,左耳反映一至七歲時的運程,右耳代表八 至十四歲時的運程,因此若耳朵有缺憾,即有機會與家人、師生、同學的關係較差,也代表較容易生病。
參考資料: www.entific.com.hk
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
小兒鼻塞 - bb鼻塞, bb鼻塞點算
參考資料: www.otrivin.com.hk/
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
暗 瘡疤對著重外觀的都市人來說,帶來極大的困擾。而由於不同個案的暗瘡疤種類及嚴重性均有不同,醫生採取的治療方案,也不可一概而論。在首次會見暗瘡疤病人 時,醫生會先仔細觀察病人面上,是否仍有活躍性的暗瘡,先將暗瘡問題以外塗藥物或口服改善,再進一步按病人面上暗瘡疤痕種類,作針對治療。
至於萎縮性的暗瘡疤,其性質可分為數種,如冰錐形或「知名度」較高的凹凸洞(rolling scars)等,醫生會按其種類建議合適療法,以rolling scars為例,便可透過「皮下切開法」,以特製儀器將牽扯住凹凸洞的皮下纖維割斷,過程中亦可刺激骨膠原增生。除此以外,其他可行技術尚包括飛梭激光或針刺治療等,逐步助病人改善問題。
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