Wednesday, October 31, 2012



隆鼻 - 非手術性
主要是透過注射來達至鼻矯形效果。常用物質包括透明質酸(Hyaluronic Acid, 又稱玻尿酸), 微晶瓷 (Calcium Hydroxyapatite) 等。


- 手術性




Friday, October 26, 2012





l   先讓病者坐下,頭向前傾,解除頸部及胸部衣服的束縛,應保持鎮定,

l   指示病人用口呼吸,並揘住鼻翼(鼻子的柔軟部份) 大約十分鐘,

l   同時利用冰袋敷鼻樑及前額,可以收縮血管,幫助止血。

l   部份鼻血可能會流至口腔,應指導病者不應嚥下,及給予器皿盛載。

l   十分鐘後放鬆壓力,如果仍未止血,再壓十分鐘,此時病者仍不可把頭抬高。

l   不可用紙屑塞進鼻腔內。

l   出血情況停止後,叮囑病者避免身體過份用力,至少四小時內不要擤鼻涕,以免引致再流鼻血。

l   如急劇流鼻血或三十分鐘內仍未止血,應延醫治理。






Thursday, October 25, 2012

Hearing Loss (Part Two)


Hearing loss treatment

The treatments vary depending on the type, site/s and severity of hearing loss. This is best assessed and diagnosed by an Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist.

The appropriate treatment may be conservative observation, hearing aiding and /or ear surgery. For children with persisting “glue ear” especially when in both ears with notable signs of language and /or attention problems, a ventilation tube (grommet) can be placed into the eardrum by surgery. For patients with a perforated eardrum, this can be repaired by surgery.

For patients with bilateral complete deafness, a cochlear implant sound processor should be considered. This re-stimulates the deaf ear using an electrode array and some very clever speech software processing. The new sound that is heard will indeed be different. Speech and hearing rehabilitation exercises to re-learn these sounds would be required. Children do better than adults with these cochlear implants. Studies have shown that a child’s brain has a higher neuro-plasticity than an adult, and therefore a greater capacity to adapt to new sounds and learning development.


Hearing aids

Hearing aids are often the first consideration for patients with hearing disabilities. These aids can be similarly considered like glasses for visual problems. They do not require surgery and the advanced technology is relatively inexpensive. Patients can used them when they want and remove them as necessary.

There are many different types of hearing aids available. They vary in size, quality, performance and therefore, price. Hearing aids should always be tailored to the different needs and hearing disability of the user. Hearing aids are however, not without their own problems. Patients may well find them uncomfortable or conspicuous to wear. This perhaps more so if the benefit offered is insufficient to meet the patients’ expectation and needs.

Conventional hearing aids require a sound leak proof occlusion of the ear canal by the ear mold in order to work well. Patients may find the fitting ear mold a little uncomfortable to use. Also, slight movement could alter its position easily and this can create feedback whistling sound, when the amplified sound leaks out of the ear canal, and re-enters the microphone of the same hearing device. This is similar to the whining feedback during karaoke sessions when the sound is picked up by the same microphone in a reverberating circuit.

When properly prescribed and fitted, conventional hearing aids are a good option to rehabilitate most hearing problems.


Baha (Bone Anchored Hearing Aid)

The baha, as its abbreviation suggests, works by direct bone conduction of sound to the cochlea via a sound processor and titanium implant on the skull. As the sound conduction is entirely via bone conduction to the cochlea, the external pinna, external ear canal and middle ear bones are not required. In fact they are completely bypassed. Hence the baha is suitable for those without an outer ear and occluded ear canal (microtia and congenital aural atresia) and those with poor middle ear conduction problems (mastoidectomy, loss of ossicles, otosclerosis).

The baha is especially ideal for patients with one-sided complete hearing loss, aka single-sided deafness (SSD). These SSD patients experience a poor perception of sound on one side especially on the phone, during meetings and dinners, and in noisy environments. The baha “captures” sound from the deaf side, and transmits it to the only working ear on the opposite side through bone conduction through the skull. The patient is then able to appreciate sounds and conversation on the deaf side, and finds themselves once again, enjoying their sound rich social environment.

One of the greatest advantage of the baha is that it is the only implantable hearing processor that allows people “to try before they buy”. By using a soft band applicator as a connection to the skull, the baha can be tried without surgery required. If the user likes the baha, they can choose to continue using the softband approach, or undertake a more securely applied baha via a surgical titanium implant to the skull, just behind the ear. Certainly, for the surgical installed baha, as there will be no intervening soft tissue unlike the softband trial, the sound heard will be clearer after the BAHA is implanted.

The surgery is a single-stage surgery, done with a minimal invasive implantation, maximizing the preservations of tissues. It takes around 15 minutes to complete the whole procedure and can be done within a clinical setting.



Hearing loss should be identified early especially with children for their speech and language development. Timely treatment by medication, surgery or hearing aiding can then be advocated.

Hearing aids and sound processors like the baha and cochlea implant, allow sounds to be heard. The sound may not be as rich as the normal ear, but the improvement beyond the hearing disability improves our patients’ social and professional interaction and enjoyment significantly.

Reference information:

The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult ENT Specialists before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hearing Loss (Part One)

Causes of hearing loss

Hearing loss, is the loss of sound sensation and discrimination ability. It can be sudden or gradual. This loss can also be divided into two categories as either congenital (inborn from birth) or acquired hearing loss.

Congenital hearing loss is an hearing deficit since birth.

Acquired hearing loss happens later after birth. Some of the commoner causes are aging, trauma, long term exposure to loud noise, surgery of the ear/brain, infections in the middle or inner ear, and ototoxic drugs.


Hearing loss in children

Hearing loss in children is more commonly seen than in adults. This is because acute suppurative otitis media, which is an infection of the middle ear cavity, is the commonest infection of childhood. It occurs after an upper respiratory infection. The majority of these infections subside completely but it is not uncommon that some persists as a collection of a straw-colored fluid in the middle ear. This fluid has the consistency of “glue”, and when present, prevents the eardrum from moving normally. Hence children with acquired “glue-ear” will have a reduction in their hearing similar to water getting into their ear/s after a shower. This condition can exist in one or both ears.

In children, hearing losses should be investigated and treated as early as possible. This is especially true for children aged up to 7 years old as our speech and language development occurs in the first seven years of life. It is accepted that speech and language rehabilitation becomes more difficult and less successful, the later the hearing loss is diagnosed, and after optimal treatment.


Hearing loss in adults

Hearing loss may be acquired later in life. Causes include the long term sequelae of childhood ear infections like a perforated eardrum or cholesteatoma and hearing loss secondary to aging, ototoxic drugs application, noise-induced loss, barotrauma, occupation related noise exposure, ear surgery or intracranial brain surgery, intracranial tumours, unexplained sudden hearing loss, etc.


Hearing loss in one or both ears

Hearing loss can happen in either one (unilateral) or both ears (bilateral). Different hearing problems may co-exist in the same ear or in both ears. The severity of the hearing loss for each ear may vary from a mild loss (cannot hear someone whispering into your ear) to a profound hearing loss (cannot hear someone shouting into your ear) and anything in between.

Patients with a unilateral hearing loss, normal hearing ability may exist on the other side. These sufferers tend to hear only in one ear, and therefore fail to be able to stereo-localise sounds as other normal individuals i.e. they cannot tell the direction of sounds. They also particularly have problems in any noisy environment, such as in a meeting, restaurant, bar, etc. Here the voice of the speaker they are trying to listen to, competes with the noise of the background, which drowns it out. Hence it is hard for them to concentrate on one sound source and listen clearly. Certain adaptations in lifestyles are essential like cocking their heads to one side so the better hearing ear hears what is being said, walking always with friends / family standing on the side of their good ear, attending meeting early to sit in a position that would be advantageous to hearing better in the meeting, etc.

For patients with bilateral hearing loss, usually caused by noisy working environment over time and aging, they require a louder volume of sound stimulus in order to hear better. Turning the television, hifi, or radio up louder appears to do the trick but their family, friends and neighbours may, and do, find it disturbing.


Reference information:


The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult ENT Specialists before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

失聰治療 (Part3)

骨固定式助聽器, Baha (Bone Anchored Hearing Aid )
骨固定式助聽器是透過一個聲音處理器及一個鈦金屬鏍絲,通過頭骨傳遞聲音到耳蝸。由於聲音的傳遞全透過頭骨,可以不需依靠外耳、耳道和耳骨。所以骨固定式助聽器適合沒有外耳或耳道閉塞的病人(小耳畸形和先天性外耳道閉塞) 及中耳的聲音傳遞有問題的病人(乳突骨手術後、失去耳骨和耳骨硬化症)











Tuesday, October 16, 2012

失聰治療 (Part2)

助聽器, hearing aid







Monday, October 15, 2012

失聰治療 (Part 1)







Friday, October 12, 2012

及早控制鼻敏感 保持生活質素







資料來源: 健康動力; 黃德彰 耳鼻喉專科醫生


Wrinkle Reduction Treatment (Commonly known as Botox) (Part 2)

Consultation and treatment 

During consultation a detailed medical history is obtained by your surgeon and assessment of the facial wrinkles is carried out to determine the exact areas of muscles that require the injection. An appropriate dose of botulinum toxin is then injected into the muscles using a tiny micro needle. Following the treatment with Botox, the skin over the muscles remains smooth and even. Injected muscles are paralysed in about 2-3 days while untreated areas continue to work as normal. As the needle used is very fine and small quantities are injected, the pain is minimal and therefore no anaesthetic is required. You may experience some discomfort over the treated area immediately after treatment. You may resume normal activities immediately however any strenuous activity and massaging the area should be avoided. You must follow the post injection instructions carefully to avoid any untoward effects. Some patients may experience mild headaches in the first week or so following the injection which resolve spontaneously, and the use of mild painkillers such as paracetamol is recommended to relieve the headaches.  


Reference information:

The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult ENT Specialists before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Wrinkle Reduction Treatment (Commonly known as Botox) (Part 1)

The gradual development of facial wrinkles is inevitable and generally represents the early sign of ageing. The most common areas of wrinkling include the forehead, the brows and the outer corner of the eyes (crow's feet). This is mainly related to muscle activity which can be effectively dampened by the use of botulinum toxin, which is a naturally occurring bacterial toxin. This type of treatment to paralyse muscles selectively and reduce wrinkles is commonly known as 'Botox' treatment. Botox is a trade name, and other similar preparations may also be used for this purpose. Botulinum toxin was initially used in the 1970s for treating patients with hyperactive muscles around the eyes. Currently, it is widely used for cosmetic reasons, such as wrinkle reduction and a wide variety of other medical conditions related to dysfunction of muscles.


Reference information:

The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult ENT Specialists before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.