Wednesday, December 19, 2012

隆鼻失敗 揭面皮矯形 (下)

除了整容失敗,接受鼻形矯正術的人還包括因意外或運動而鼻創傷的病人。洪表示,無論因整容失敗或鼻創傷而導致鼻部變形,若鼻骨不正,都會影響鼻功能, 病人因呼吸不暢順會用口呼吸,結果引起口乾、喉痛、口氣、蛀牙和鼻鼾,嚴重者會導致睡眠窒息,而且每逢天氣轉變,或置身於有塵埃的環境,都會如鼻敏感般打噴嚏及流鼻水。



Tuesday, December 18, 2012

隆鼻失敗 揭面皮矯形 (上)








Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hearing Loss (2)

Hearing loss in adults

Hearing loss may be acquired later in life. Causes include the long term sequelae of childhood ear infections like a perforated eardrum or cholesteatoma and hearing loss secondary to aging, ototoxic drugs application, noise-induced loss, barotrauma, occupation related noise exposure, ear surgery or intracranial brain surgery, intracranial tumours, unexplained sudden hearing loss, etc.


Hearing loss in one or both ears

Hearing loss can happen in either one (unilateral) or both ears (bilateral). Different hearing problems may co-exist in the same ear or in both ears. The severity of the hearing loss for each ear may vary from a mild loss (cannot hear someone whispering into your ear) to a profound hearing loss (cannot hear someone shouting into your ear) and anything in between.

Patients with a unilateral hearing loss, normal hearing ability may exist on the other side. These sufferers tend to hear only in one ear, and therefore fail to be able to stereo-localise sounds as other normal individuals i.e. they cannot tell the direction of sounds. They also particularly have problems in any noisy environment, such as in a meeting, restaurant, bar, etc. Here the voice of the speaker they are trying to listen to, competes with the noise of the background, which drowns it out. Hence it is hard for them to concentrate on one sound source and listen clearly. Certain adaptations in lifestyles are essential like cocking their heads to one side so the better hearing ear hears what is being said, walking always with friends / family standing on the side of their good ear, attending meeting early to sit in a position that would be advantageous to hearing better in the meeting, etc.

For patients with bilateral hearing loss, usually caused by noisy working environment over time and aging, they require a louder volume of sound stimulus in order to hear better. Turning the television, hifi, or radio up louder appears to do the trick but their family, friends and neighbours may, and do, find it disturbing.






The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult ENT Specialists before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Hearing Loss (1)

Causes of hearing loss

Hearing loss, is the loss of sound sensation and discrimination ability. It can be sudden or gradual. This loss can also be divided into two categories as either congenital (inborn from birth) or acquired hearing loss.

Congenital hearing loss is an hearing deficit since birth.

Acquired hearing loss happens later after birth. Some of the commoner causes are aging, trauma, long term exposure to loud noise, surgery of the ear/brain, infections in the middle or inner ear, and ototoxic drugs.


Hearing loss in children

Hearing loss in children is more commonly seen than in adults. This is because acute suppurative otitis media, which is an infection of the middle ear cavity, is the commonest infection of childhood. It occurs after an upper respiratory infection. The majority of these infections subside completely but it is not uncommon that some persists as a collection of a straw-colored fluid in the middle ear. This fluid has the consistency of “glue”, and when present, prevents the eardrum from moving normally. Hence children with acquired “glue-ear” will have a reduction in their hearing similar to water getting into their ear/s after a shower. This condition can exist in one or both ears.

In children, hearing losses should be investigated and treated as early as possible. This is especially true for children aged up to 7 years old as our speech and language development occurs in the first seven years of life. It is accepted that speech and language rehabilitation becomes more difficult and less successful, the later the hearing loss is diagnosed, and after optimal treatment.





The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult ENT Specialists before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Principles of Asian rhinoplasty

The final result of any Asian rhinoplasty procedure is ultimately a function of the client's preference, the local/racial aesthetic sense, the available donor/synthetic materials and the surgical planning and execution. The surgeon is often faced with the dilemma of choosing from the different techniques and available materials in achieving the desired result for his client with a minimal complication rate.

As mentioned previously, the typical Asian nose lacks tissue in general, both internally as well as externally. The principle of approach for the Asian rhinoplasty is to augment the nose i.e. to increase its radix height, its dorsal height and to project the tip. Tip up-rotation and excessive nostril show should generally be avoided as discussed in our later subchapters. In order to add to the existing structure, additional augmentative implant materials are required. A list of augmentative implant solutions are listed below. This list is illustrative and not intended to be exhaustive; it will change as improved product technology comes to the market.

Autologous grafts
Septal cartilage
Conchal cartilage
Costal rib
Autologous fat
Fascia e.g. temporalis fascia, tensor fascia lata
Bone eg iliac crest, calvarium
"Diced cartilage" in temporalis fascia

Tutoplast (Processed human fascia)

Permacol (Porcine dermal collagen)

The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult ENT Specialists before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Rhinoplasty trends in Asia

Rhinoplasty in Asia is fast increasing in its popularity. With an improving economy, many clients are looking to enhance their looks for personal reasons, socio-economic competitiveness in the job market place and /or peer influence from the local Asian/international film and music media.

Asian rhinoplasty techniques range from rhinoplasty by injectables to closed and open approach rhinoplasty procedures. These techniques have been described in the literature and performed in the West. However the surgical pendulum for the Asian nose is mostly about augmentation, instead of reduction. Augmentation strategies, materials and techniques form the volume of Asian practice.

This chapter will outline the varied techniques and the underlying essence of Asian rhinoplasty. An additional subchapter is dedicated to the ancient Chinese face reading philosophy and examines for the uninitiated reader how that could influence Asian rhinoplasty decision making for their clients.

The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult ENT Specialists before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.