Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Botox (Wrinkle Reduction Treatment)--PART 2

Botulinum toxin safety 

Botulinum toxin is a safe drug and when injected by an experienced facial plastic surgeon the incidence of side effects is extremely low. The most common side effects are temporary and localised bruising, slight redness of the skin and occasionally slight swelling at the injection site. The side effects of Botox are completely reversible and are temporary, lasting only a few hours and occasionally up to one or two days. Rarely unintended paralysis of muscles may result in troublesome cosmetic imperfections such as drooping of the eye brows. The incidence of such side effects is injector dependent and settles with time.

How long does it last? 

The effects of Botox usually last for three to four months after the first treatment. The effects fade gradually, at which point wrinkling begins to reappear and you may return for re-treatment. Generally, with repeated injections, the effects last longer and the frequency of injections gets lesser. The duration of effect varies from patient to patient and may be less effective in older people.

Reference information: www.entific.com.hk, www.eafps.org/
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult ENT Specialists before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.