Monday, February 27, 2017

揀睡眠偵測智能手帶5大要點 醫生見解:深層睡眠好重要 (3)


就穿戴式裝置取得的數據,我們找來杏澤醫療的 耳鼻喉專科 陳慶生醫生解說一下穿戴式裝置的數據有甚麼用?陳醫生認為:「要知道一個人的睡眠模式最好就是透過偵測睡眠時的腦電波和眼球轉動,以分晰屬於那一個層次的睡眠。」然而,現在市面上很多簡單的產品都不是直接量度腦電波,而是間接量度睡眠時的生理反應,但生理反應未必只屬於某層次的睡眠,所以不是百分百準確。同樣,量度睡眠質素的方法每間生產商都不同,「應用程式所說的深層睡眠未必和醫學上所說的是屬於同一類。雖然現時有醫療公司發展到戴在手上或放在心口的儀器就可以幫病人診斷睡眠窒息,不過都不時平時在街上買到的可以媲美。」

REM sleep 夠數最重要

一個正常睡眠是大約有 4-5個循環,第一二個階段進入淺睡,到第三四個階段是深睡,熟睡到一段時間會進入快速動眼期 Rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep) ,開始發夢。有部份智能裝置會用光線或震動控制起身前的睡眠層次,聲稱可以讓人起床更精神。陳醫生解釋在深睡時,但未到 REM sleep 起床的確會有疲倦感,不過「一般來說,我們只要著重 REM sleep 已經足夠。如果一晚已經有 4-5個 REM sleep ,在第 6個 REM sleep 中間被人嘈醒都唔使擔心。」因此,陳醫生認為只要每日睡覺都培養成規律,身體會自動瞓調節,「身體會知道自己那個時間需要醒,從而做好準備,未必需要光線或震動去控制。」



解讀數據才是關鍵 有病徵要及早求醫


Monday, February 20, 2017

揀睡眠偵測智能手帶5大要點 醫生見解:深層睡眠好重要 (2)

4) 螢幕光影響入睡

穿戴式裝置可以偵察到睡眠質素,而且 Gear S2 、  charge 2 及 小米手環 2 等智能手錶都有無聲振動鬧鐘,無形中鼓勵大家在睡眠時裝戴。不過,智能手錶的螢幕光亦是不可忽視的,特別是 Gear S2 這些螢幕較大的手錶。雖然靜止的時候螢幕不會亮,但未入睡前,每次轉換睡姿,螢幕都會亮起,變得更難入睡。此外,如果穿戴式裝置和手機整合,設定了在來電、簡訊和各類訊息通知時震動的話,就隨時睡不到了。Gear S2 都還好,可以設定不被騷擾模式,但 Ray 就不可以了,萬一有來電就會被震動驚醒。

5) 小型錶續航力較長

既然是手錶,日常都應該不離身,但睡眠時都要戴的話,續航力變得很重要。4者當中 Gear S2 的功能比較多,螢幕相對較大,故續航力亦最低,官方稱可用兩日,但實際只捱到一日半,所以每日都必要找一些時間來充電。至於較小型的 charge 2 可用 4至 5日,而 小米手環 2 更可用 20日,不需要日日充電。而最長氣的是 Ray ,使用 3粒原廠電池,足夠使用半年,毋需充電,最為方便。

耳鼻喉專科 陳慶生醫生


Monday, February 13, 2017

揀睡眠偵測智能手帶5大要點 醫生見解:深層睡眠好重要 (1)




今次我依莉詩就針對如何選擇穿戴式裝置用作記錄睡眠質素來比較,並借來了 4款智能手錶及運動手環,包括多功能的 Samsung Gear S2 Classic、針對健康愛好者的 Fitbit charge 2、簡約時尚的 Misfit Ray 及 出名性價比高的 小米手環 2。經過數個月至數天的使用後,現在就同分享一下當中的分別啦!

1) 自動偵測入睡先方便

雖然市面上大部份智能手錶及運動手環都聲稱可以監察睡眠,不過大部份都需要在入睡前及起床後手動輸入,才能分析該次的睡眠質素,甚至有部份只能在睡醒後手動記錄睡眠時間,要每天記錄其實都比較麻煩。而今次試戴的 4款裝置都有自動偵測睡眠的功能,只要在半小時內手腕沒有太大運動,裝置會自動開啟睡眠模式,並透過肢體運動的幅度及頻率,判斷用戶處於熟睡還是淺睡狀態。

依莉詩把 4款裝置分別佩戴於左右手 3晚,各自的應用程式全部都是用深淺表示睡眠層次,量度出的入睡時間及深層睡眠的時間都相當接近,不過起床的時間就有一至兩小時的出入。以 10月 11日為例,我實際起床時間是大約 8點,但 Charge 2 及 小米手環 2 偵察到 8時左右是淺睡狀態,直到一至兩小時後才顯示真正起床。另外,小編在另一天午睡了兩小時,除了 Gear S2 有入睡記錄,其他都沒有數據,相信其他裝置是需要長時間配戴,才到準確判斷,並不能睡前才戴上。儘管 4者的睡眠監測數據有些少差異,不過大致都符合實情,所以會自動開啟睡眠模式的裝置亦不失為好選擇。

 2) 圖表顯示一目了然

基本上所有穿戴式裝置都有小量記憶體用作暫儲數天至一個月的數據,要觀看睡眠方面的記錄還是需要開啟對應的手機應用程式。在更新數據的速度和次數方面,Gear S2 比較頻密亦快速,幾乎每次開啟應用程式都已經顯示最新的數據,而 charge 2 及 小米手環 2 在開啟後會自動連接並更新數據,但 Ray 就需要手動更新,要等數分鐘才下載完成。

至於應用程式介面方面,4者都是以圖表顯示每日睡眠質素處於不同深淺的狀態,另外例出總睡眠時間、入睡及起床時間、深層睡眠時間等。當中 Ray 的資訊比較少,而 Gear S2 則比較多,更有一星期睡眠時間的趨勢圖可以參考,了解自己的作息週期。

 3) 同時偵測心率更準確

除了依賴測量肢體運動的幅度及頻率來判斷用戶處於熟睡還是淺睡狀態,要了解睡得好不好,還需要了解作息時的心率。例如發惡夢或是生病,心跳都可能突然加快,影響睡眠質素。現在市面上大部份穿戴式裝置都使用 LED 綠光偵測方式,以血紅蛋白通過時綠光的反射訊號,來計算每分鐘的心跳次數。

不過,在測試的 4款穿戴式裝置中,只有 Gear S2 、  charge 2 及 小米手環 2 有心率感應器。當中小米手環 2 只會在按鍵時才會偵測單次心率,沒有一定持續性,所以睡眠時起不到作用。而 Gear S2 只在用戶靜止的狀態,例如坐得久或睡眠時才會每小時量度一次心率,如果心跳是突然加快就偵測不到了。相反, charge 2 會每分鐘持續測量心率,所得的數據就比較起參考作用。

耳鼻喉專科 陳慶生醫生



Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Epistaxis / Nosebleeds – What to do

Nosebleeds can happen when you least expect it. At the very least, they are alarming especially with small children, and at the worst, possibly life threatening. So what can you do about the bleeding nose and what action should you take after it has stopped bleeding?

The first thing is to stop the “stoppable” bleeding. Bleeding that comes from the front of the nose can be stopped by pressure. All other bleedings from the middle or back of the nose stops only by your own blood clotting or with medical attention. The first thing to do in a nose bleed is place your head forward, breathe through the mouth and press gently but firmly on the soft part of the nose. This is the lowest third of the nose that you can wiggle with your fingers. Placing your head forward means that you will be less likely to choke and swallow your blood, and any continuing bleeding is clear to see. Pressure should be applied for 15 minutes and this is usually more than enough to stop the small bleed, as our blood will effectively clot in less than 3 minutes. If you are on blood-thinning medication, this can take much longer.

After releasing the pressure, if there is no further active bleeding, this suggests that the bleeding is from the front of the nose. Dry weather and a long flight travel in a dry cabin may be the cause and applying some Vaseline ointment inside the nostrils will help. Seeking the early attention of your ENT Physician would be recommended so that a good check up can be done to prevent further bleeds and treating the underlying cause. You can usually expect that the nose will be clearly visualized with an endoscope of the front, middle and back of the nose. Sometimes a scan of the sinuses may be required as the cavities of the sinuses are not usually visible to the naked eye or endoscope. If a bleeding point is identified, it can be electro-cauterized and this is very successful in preventing future bleeding in 90% of cases. If a nasal allergy causing rhinitis exists, this is also easily treated with medication.

If the bleeding is especially heavy and/or does not stop, it is usually from the middle to the back of the nose. Here the reason is because the vessels are larger and we cannot physically press on them as they are situated inside the face. Situations such as this will require immediate attention at your nearest hospital as you may have lost a lot of blood. Your attending doctor’s priority would be to stop the bleeding first. This is usually undertaken with nasal packs placed into the nose. They are uncomfortable to put in but their intention is life saving. They may then possibly refer you to the ENT Physicians to identify with their special endoscopes where the bleeding is coming from, and treat you accordingly. Nowadays modern endoscopes for the body cavities have revolutionized epistaxis care. After identifying the bleeding point, if appropriate, the source maybe cauterized.

Nosebleeds are frightening for the sufferer as well as family and friends. Thankfully the majority of nosebleeds are minor and easily stopped by pressure as mentioned above. If the bleeding is unduly heavy and does not stop, urgent hospital attention should be sought.

The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult ENT Specialists before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.